A place for sharing IRL STUFF via INTERCONNECTED urls

« for example »



“Because it’s NOT a Competition; It's supposed to be a Collaboration”








but, since this website is not only home to a FORMER “music blog” that HAD once been successfully running unsuccessfully for well over a decade, run by a self-inflicted “Music blogger” who also happens to live in a small mountain town where he once also attempted to run a local area events calendar as an unregistered NoPROFIT™ using a “Mutually Beneficial Employment” scheme, which is why you’ll see the mention of an url-inspired made-up word called “mountown” & other interconnected moun.town links sprinkled about all over — which can seem like a lot of moving pieces to try and stay on top of, especially if you clicked over here looking for something specific — So, below you will find my attempt at making a ‘table of contents’ to help you either find that specific thing you were looking for more easily or… maybe you’ll just fancy going exploring on your own once you have a bit of a map, eh?


The “Monthly EH?!” NEWSLETTER:


And here are some past newsletters to test out whether you wouldn’t mind to have this FREE newsletter sent directly to your email inbox on a monthly basis (or pop over to Substack to read/subscribe over there):





In my ongoing exploration of “Hey… maybe you don’t need to literally have a radio station in order to share music like a radio program?”, for quite some time I’ve been making digital mix tapes over on the @HI54LOFI Mixcloud page… and then I’ve been stringing all those mix tapes together in an online music player called Mix Tape Radio on Moun.Town/Radio (which I also sometimes call ‘MTR - Fresh Tapes’ for obvious acronym and/or silly NPR pun appreciations).


Jump over to MOUN.TOWN/RADIO to explore this idea further + maybe bookmark that url in your brain for future revisits, as EVERY Wednesday I rotate updating the SIDE A and SIDE B Mix Tape Radio players with a new starting mixtape. Both MTR “sides” play human-made digital mix tapes one-after-the-other all dang day, once you press play). Alternatively, you can also have a flick thru some of the most recent individual episodes featured on MTR - FRESH TAPES below (which come with clickable/listenable tracklistings for further headphone investigating)…



A locally sourced events calendar for dang-near EVERY happening happening in the Kimberley & Cranbrook area —HOWEVER— after years of trying to find enough “mutually beneficial” financial support for the human labour that goes into running a local area events calendar, THE 95EH EVENTS CALENDAR currently exists in a more bare-boned poor man’s version of its former glory (ie. it is now a basic b*tch Google calendar).





This is a long-running Q&A series where I ask a bunch of different creatives for their top shelf recommendations for some of life’s best categories (more specifically: a music recommendation, a film/tv recommendation, a book recommendation, an internet recommendation, and an anything recommendation). CLICK HERE to read more or just have a flick thru some of the more recent Q&As on the content carousel below:

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< of “some locals' interests” >



I’ve always been a fan of the way that people can leave little reviews about the music that is in their Bandcamp collection (ie. music they’ve purchased directly from artists/labels, the greatest review of all) — AND — as a “music blogger” who is always looking for good recurring blahg bits to offer up to the content algorithms, I had the thought many years ago to take some of the nice fan reviews I find under an album I’ve been enjoying & cobble things together for a 'QUICK HIT’ blog tag called ‘FANDCAMP’. So either CLICK HERE to read more about this OR just have a flick thru some recent examples to see if you can’t find something you might want to add to your own Bandcamp collection:




Sometimes I’ll have an idea for an “essay” (aka: a long-ass blog post) that won’t go away no matter how many times I procrastinate writing it until I finally just sit down and get the thoughts out of my headspace and onto the internets, and around here we call that a ‘long pull’. In a similar vein, sometimes I get the urge to want to curate personal ‘Top 25’ or ‘Top 36’ or ‘Top Etc’ lists for certain topics and if it’s an urge that doesn’t go away (because sometimes it’s more rewarding to work on expressing your own thoughts than listening to another podcast of someone else’s opinions), eventually I put the list together (so far, this list making has mostly been for retro video games, but you never know what’s next ese, especially since those video game posts bring in more SEO traffic than anything else I’ve done).




I’ve also been known to update my FM/TV ‘all day music videos’ playlist whenever I come across new/old music videos that catch my fancy throughout my internet wanderings (so CLICK HERE if you fancy checking that out) + I also moved the 95EH.CA domain from being associated with its own paid-Squarespace site to now being tasked with trying to use a free Tumblr-powered site to carry on the torch of trying to be a local area collaborative community online diy zine radio (so jump on over to HWY 95EH.CA to check the status on that, if you fancy… and please say “hey!” if you also happen to use Tumblr in the 2020s). And while we’re on the topic of Tumblr sites, I also help run the KEGG.CA community garden site over there.






Ok. At this point of your scroll, you might find yourself wondering: “I wonder if there are any ways that I could support the work that goes into all of this HI54/95EH stuff?” — so it is here that I’d like to mention that you can check out THIS PAGE for some different options on how you can be a friendly supporter of some of the time/energy that goes into this site, OR… maybe you’d like to get in touch about that ‘Mutually Beneficial Employment’ thing I mentioneD I tried experimenting with back when I was still attempting to run MOUN.TOWN/EVENTS. Oh, you weren’t starting to wonder about that stuff until I mentioned it? Oh, ok. Let’s just keep scrolling then.




Because I knew I’d never have my own physical FM radio antenna, I figured I would just use the streaming library of Spotify to curate a bunch of ongoing mix cd playlists that can be tuned into by anyone whenever/wherever they are (or whatever). Eventually, I got tired of trying to find the balance of using Spotify and knowing how trash Spotify treats artists, especially small artists/creators — SO — I unsubscribed, thus officially putting an end to the ongoing frequent updates of my MOUN.TOWN/FM rotation.


But you can still explore this aborted #MountownFM idea further, just pop over to the url ‘MOUN.TOWN/FM’ whenever you fancy and have yourself a poke around (every mix should still be in a very listenable state, even if things haven’t been updated for quite some time + I also kept ongoing Buy Music Club players going that link track directly to an artists Bandcamp page & those are worth some exploration time) — OR — you can also just have a flick thru all the individual headphone flavours that are still available to peruse on the shelf below…




TBH, there is EVEN more stuff that could be listed on this ‘table of contents’ homepage, but some of thAT stuff needs a bit more figuring & finessing as I continue to try to figure out how best to keep a bunch of different urls & IRL ideas up in the air as a one-person operation operating multiple websites and social media accounts for the often low cost of “Cool, but how do you make money?” — so please don’t hesitate to tell anyone else you think might like checking out what’s going on over here (as sharing is always a legitimate form of caring) :


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Jeremy / @HI54LOFI

(95EH’s Temp Intern)