On paper, writing sounds like it should be easy. Just put one word after another—in the right order—until you've transferred all the relevant thoughts from your brain to the blank screen in front of you. We've all got access to the same amount of words, so just send what you want to say down and out through your finger tips and Bob's your uncle, right?


That shit is hard as shit and you will quickly realize that you are the worst Brain-to-Page transcriber who ever slouched in front of a computer. Even if you manage to get a first draft out, the next day you will be met with the pain of realizing that your first draft is actual total trash. Which leaves you with the predicament of whether to burn everything to the ground and never write again or whether to embark on the tedious work of trying to salvage something from the dumpster fire that is your writing. It's a tough choice, every time.

If you can get past the pain and frustration that comes with re-working your work, there is a lot of benefit to editing and re-writing. You will learn a lot and get a little bit better. Eventually you might even get what you've written to that golden combination of "I think this is as good as I can get it" + "It is not logical to spend any more time on this"—which means you are probably ready to share it with someone else.

Which I guess means you are a writer. Or, at the very least, a blogger.

Maybe you're not a very good one, but that's ok. The world is full of people being not very good at all kinds of things, so why can't you? Or at least that is what I tell myself.

All you need to do is keep writing and writing so you can keep getting better and better. You don't even have to share what you write with someone else, because getting better at writing means you're getting better at understanding what you *really* think and how you *really* feel and, most importantly, how to effectively communicate all that to someone else. That's an important tool to carry around in your utility belt.


Jeremy // @HI54LOFI