Well, first the obvious part: the name of the guy that runs this website is Jeremy. And because the handle @Jeremy was already taken, you might internet know that Jeremy guy better as @HI54LOFI. And since IRL and URL worlds sometimes collide, ‘Jeremy / HI54LOFI’ pretty much covers all the bases of this one-person operation.

FOR THOSE ALREADY FAMILIAR with what ‘Jeremy / HI54LOFI’ does AND JUST WANT TO Offer your much appreciated financial SUPPORT (even if it's just a far away coffee purchase) here's a couple buttons for DOING just that:

Click Here To Make A Donation To The Site (Any Amount Is Greatly Appreciated)


Next Coffees On Me / Thanks For The Blahg
Next Beers On Me / Thanks For The Blahg

or use the button below to make a donation of your choice via PayPal

Or you can also support HI54LOFI on MIXCLOUD SELECT

(where you can support the making of The Mix Tape Radio Show & the artists that get featured each week + save all HI54 mixes to the Mixcloud app for offline listening)

↑ special hi5 to anyone who clicks one of those buttons ↑

For those not already familiar with what ‘Jeremy / HI54LOFI’ does and want to know more before they even think about doing something crazy like hitting a donate button for Some scatter brained Dude on the internet…


Ok, so… I have been a big fan of how almost anything is possible on the internet for quite some time now, and because of said internet fandom, I have been mucking about on it for many years. I’ve run a record label that wasn’t a record label. I've had a 24/7 internet radio station. I've shared thoughts and feelings, unprovoked. I'm old enough to have had a brief love affair with Myspace before it was My___ and I am young enough to realize how old that makes me sound. I’ve started and stopped and re-started many a project, slightly changing names and domains along the way.

I am a Canadian that has not always lived in Canada (although I currently call a small mountown in BC home). I've had a few moments of minor internet relevance (very minor) amongst a plethora of online invisibleness (very plethora) and, in the end, it has all amounted to not very much that you can hold in your hands.

Well, except for an ongoing stream of content filled with little treasures you can take back to your own orbit…

…but other than that, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


At the moment, I am pursuing a run of intentional unemployment while I try to figure out some different projects of mine: HI54 (aka: the site you're on right now) and 95EH (a site I started to play around with after moving to a small mountain town in British Columbia) and just life in general (has anyone else noticed how broken the entire system we’re all participating in is?). If you would like to get in touch about collaborating, or hiring me to build you a website on the DIY-cheap, or just general sending of high fives & wtf enquiries—you can reach out to me via the ancient power of one of these circles.


And if you’re still reading and you’ve enjoyed / continue to enjoy any of the HI54LOFI / HI54.BLOG output — whether it be the mix cds or the mix tapes or the mix of words or anything else — and if pressed on the subject you find yourself thinking, “yeah, maybe I’d be cool giving this dude a few bucks for the work that goes into his internetting” honestly that would genuinely mean a lot to me.

And since we’re being honest, ever since internet I’ve always had this simple fantasy of having 5000 people like what I do enough to reward me with 10 of their hard earned yearly dollars (or some variation of that math) so that I would be making enough to keep putting time into doing stuff that hopefully enough people like at a few dollars a year level. That genuinely is the extent of my ambitions; which seems both impossible + entirely possible.

So if you think you might be one of those people…

Click Here To Make A Donation To The Site (Any Amount Is Greatly Appreciated)


Next Coffees On Me / Thanks For The Blahg
Next Beers On Me / Thanks For The Blahg

…and thank you for even thinking that maybe this site has provided you with some level enjoyment..

Running a blog is stupid and hard, so any little bit of financial incentive you might be inclined to pass on really goes a long way to keeping this stupid thing going hard 🤘

Jeremy / HI54LOFI