How Does One Get Multi-Banned From The Local "Freedom Of Speech" Facebook Group?
Back in ‘The Marysville McDonalds Days’ (Spring/Summer 2023), the 95EH Facebook page got banned from The Kimberley Connection FB group for sharing a post about the last call to get public feedback heard. That post share (and all the comments it generated) was deleted from the group and the 95EH FB page was banned from connecting on the Kimberley Connection.
Fast forward to Winter 2024 and my personal FB account was still a member of The Kimberley Connection — which means, every now & again, a post would come across my feed that involved someone complaining about the biased moderation that happens on another #KimberleyBC FB group (usually after someone got banned from that group or their post/comment was deleted).
And the thing about these posts is they often turn into a “good thing the moderation isn’t biased & hypocritical in this group!” bonding moment in the comments (as there are lots of people who have been banned from all kinds of moderated groups for all sorts of “reasons”).
However, being someone who has been banned from 'The KC FB Group’ for biased & hypocritical reasons, I figured I would try to casually bring up this fact while also attempting to make a broader point that applied to the OP’s original rant. This got a moderator to reply. We exchanged questions/thoughts. And now my personal Facebook account is also banned from the Kimberley Connection (along with any other pages I have created).
Since I kicked myself for not taking screenshots the first time around… this time around I grabbed some evidence of the fairly civil interactions that can get one multi-banned from a local so-called “freedom of speech” FB group (which you can peruse in the slideshow below).

I thought I’d share my experience in a “flick thru the pics to get the gist” way for the local Metaverse (ie. on Facebook + on Instagram) because the example shown here is not unique (which is why I’ve purposely hidden people’s names) — AND — I think the bias being exercised here is some good 'food for thought’ for all the people out there doing a lot of venting about the existence of “anonymous” posts & people not “putting their name” behind their words/actions online.