54 WORDS, MORE/LESS: “What I Have To Offer” (Eliot Rausch, Charlie Kaufman, #54wordmoreless)
[ HI:54 ≈ LO:5 ]
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My favourite thing about the internet is that stuff like someone taking audio from a 2011 Charlie Kaufman lecture—and then setting it to beautifully-shot snippets of random life w/ a minimalist heartbeat score—that’s something I can just bookmark to watch again & again, whenever I need a little punch in the heart gut.
Because bloggers sometimes have a tendency to feel we need to write more words than is really needed. Especially with it being so easy to just check the thing out for yourself. Make up your own mind. And either the #54wordsMOREless above got you wanting to check things out for yourself OR you're ready to move on to something else.
Round here, we call that a QUICK HIT.
But there are also LONG PULLS if preferred.
[♫< insert MIX TAPES here >♫]