In search of a routine more likely to get a fresh HI54 Mix Tape out the door every week, I started combining my mix tape making with my HI54 Mix CD updating near the end of 2019 and I’ll be damned if it didn’t turn out to be one those rare “good ideas” that actually turned out to be a good idea… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ … maybe the rumours are true and one does get better if they just keep plugging along?
{a ‘Found-on-Submithub-Flavoured’ episode}
Episode 197 was created while shuffling around in the ongoing HI54 Mix CD ‘FROM THE SUBMITHUB ARCHIVES’ — which is a Spotify playlist I keep stocked with EVERY track that I have ever approved on Submithub for a HI54 blahg share (and you can follow that playlist on Spotify for future repeat shuffle updates). On a related note, here’s a blog post I wrote about attempting to rationally talk about Submithub, as there’s a lot of irrational opinions on the service out there.
To listen to the latest mix, just press play on the player above or jump over to Mixcloud (or tune into MTR - FRESH TAPES for an all-day-string of HI54 mix tapes) AND make sure to have a browse thru the listenable/clickable track listing below — odds are pretty good that there’ll be a track/artist or two that your ears are gonna want to spend more time with:
The Shuffle Up’d Eight // EPS 197
Track 1
(00:16) Snowy Band - Whatever You Want
Track 2
(5:09) Care Package - Pinch
Track 3
(8:22) Grady Strange - Colorful Collage
Track 4
(10:50) Josh Thorpe - Honeysuckle Moon
Track 5
(18:55) Folkatron Sessions - Juhan's Night Train (live)
Track 6
(23:38) BATTS - Everything Is Free
Track 7
(27:57) Mae Powell - Yellow Flower
Track 8
(31:18) BRNDA - Do You Like Salt?
If you find yourself enjoying any of the above, there are some pretty decent odds that following HI54LOFI out on the internets would not be the worst use of one of your internet clicks today (I tend to share things like the above on the regular-ish… so maybe we operate on similar wavelengths?)…
…and it probably wouldn’t be too bad of an idea to follow/shuffle thru the rest of the ‘FROM THE SUBMITHUB ARCHIVES’ Mix CD that this week’s episode of MTR was pulled from, because something tells me if you liked the 8 songs featured in the latest mix tape, chances are good you’ll like a good chunk of the 1000s of other nice Submithub approvals found in the full Spotify playlist.
And since Spotify/streaming is great for discovering, sharing & keeping track of music, but not so very good in the way creators are paid for their work, especially in comparison to what others are making off of renting out access to the work of others (here’s an article on the topic of making streaming better/fairer if interested in something like that), I’ve started keeping a Buy Music Club list going for all the ‘available on Bandcamp’ tracks that get added to my Submithub approval archive this year — so make sure to check that out whenever you find yourself wanting to reward your ears while also sending some support/compensation/appreciation directly to those who help keep our lives nicely soundtracked:
And, finally, if you’d like to extend the HI54 Mix Tape Radio listening further, you can shuffle thru EVERY track that’s EVER been played on an MTR episode over all these years OVER HERE +++++ PLUS, if you’d like to extend the ‘soundtrack-by-HI54-mixtape’ vibe all day, just go press the play button over on MTR | FRESH TAPES, which is a place where you can get one HI54 mix tape to play after the other *ALL DAY* with just an internet connection and a click of a button.
ALSO also: HI54LOFI was accepted into the Mixcloud Select program a awhile back, which means you can now support the making of these mix tapes & the artists included on them with a monthly subscription (while also unlocking offline listening for the 100s of HI54 mixes already on Mixcloud + future mixes that arrive every week) — y’know, if you’d be interested in something like that (or nobody would be mad at you if you’d prefer to make a one-time “thanks for the stuff” donation of your choice to HI54LOFI over here , or even if you just told someone else that they might like what they’d find over on the ol’ HI54.BLOG… it all helps keep the wheels moving!).
And, final finally… if you hear something you like in this latest episode (or just in general out on the internets today), make sure to check out the people making the stuff you like and show them a little bit of love / support / appreciation (in whatever ways you can) — because everybody wins if we all start sharing some more metaphorical coffees/beers/cheers with the people making the things that make things a little bit better. And maybe while we’re at it, maybe we can also start giving way less to the people out there always trying to keep things shitty?