In search of a routine that makes me more likely to get one HI54 Mix Tape out the door every week, I've decided to combine a few different music blog tasks together.
And since I recently got in the habit of doing a weekly feature called "SHUFFLE UP'D EIGHT" — as a way to highlight eight tracks from a recent HI54 Mix CD shuffle update — I figured why not stay in the theme of that pocket a bit longer and craft a weekly mix tape too?
Boom. Multiple birds, multiple stones. One blog post.
So, without any further ado-ing, here is…
the MIX TAPE RADIO Show: EPS 109
Episode 109 was created by shuffling around in a HI54 Mix CD called ‘MORNINGS ON MOUNTOWN FM’ — which is a Spotify playlist I keep updated with 95 tracks/artists that pair nicely with those low & contemplative stretches of morning we should all be seeking out a bit more often if you ask me (so follow on Spotify or Soundsgood for future updates/extended listening) — anyways, I shuffle around in that playlist until I stumble upon an 8 track sequence that flows quite nicely thru the headphones from on tune to another.
And I think this is another nice one.
So listen on the player above or jump over to Mixcloud to find out for yourself— and don’t forget to have a browse thru the listenable/clickable track listing below:
ThE Shuffle Up’d Eight // EPS 109
Track 1
(00:15) Joanna Sternberg - This Is Not Who I Want To Be
Track 2
(3:42) Marny Proudfit - Europe, Europe
Track 3
(7:30) Clem leek - You're So Very Far Away
Track 4
(10:19) a Singer of Songs - Paul
Track 5
(14:13) Jeremy Squires - Somersault
Track 6
(16:06) Coral - find me wrong
Track 7
(19:13) Florist - 1914
Track 8
(21:18) Lea Thomas and John Thayer - The Valley Is Wide
If you find yourself enjoying any of the above, there are some pretty decent odds that following HI54LOFI out on the internets would not be the worst use of one of your internet clicks today (tend to share things like the above on the regular-ish)…
…and it probably wouldn’t be too bad of an idea to follow/shuffle thru the rest of the HI54 Mix CD that this week’s Mix Tape Radio Show episode was pulled from, because something tells me if you liked the 8 songs featured in EPS 109, you’ll like the 5hr+ of similar vibes found in the Spotify playlist..
ALSO: HI54LOFI was recently accepted into the Mixcloud Select program, which means you can now support the making of these mix tapes & the artists included on them with a monthly subscription — if you’d be interested in something like that (or nobody would be mad at you if you’d prefer to make a one-time “thanks for the stuff” donation of your choice over here instead, or if you just told someone else that might like what they’d find over on HI54.BLOG).
And, final, finally… if you hear something you like in this latest episode (or just in general out on the internets today), make sure to check out the people making the stuff you like out further and show them a little bit of love / support / appreciation (in whatever way you can) — because everybody wins if we all start sharing some more metaphorical coffees/beers with the people making the things that we enjoy (and maybe start giving a little less to the people trying to keep things shitty). Every little bit counts.