A short list of handy Radio alternatives for that daily problem of "what should I listen to now?"



MTR | FRESH TAPES= radio programmed by Mix Tape

Press play on the above player to fire up an all day string of human-curated mix tapes, or you can push the UP NEXT  button to choose which mix tape you want to start your listen at. New mixes added EVERY Thursday + there’s hundreds of already made mixes in the pot.

** MIX TAPE RADIO runs on Mixcloud. I don't think you even need a Mixcloud account to just listen—but if you find you like listening to music on there, you can always signup for a free listener account and get Mixcloud's free app for your phone + You can sign up for Mixcloud Select if you’d fancy supporting the making of the HI54 mixes & the artists featured on them while also unlocking offline listening for yourself **



If you think about it, Spotify playlists are a lot like Mix CDs. Except better. Take the above playlist.

You can save this 420 track playlist for offline listening and then throw it on shuffle anywhere you go, whether there be wifi or not. And if you hit the 'Follow' button, not only will you save this playlist for easy access the next time you need a trusty 24 hours worth of non-repeating music, but anytime new songs are added to the mix, everything auto-magically updates on your end. Modern mix cd on steroids.

The same perks apply to any other human-made playlist you might find on Spotify—a great selection of which you'll be able to find on HIGH Five, for example:

** In order to listen to these Spotify Mix CDS in full, you need a Spotify account (but I think you can still get a free one). CLICK HERE for more info on #HI54MIXCDS / MIX CD RADIO **



Because MTV long ago abandoned the idea of playing music videos all day, and because listening to /watching a bunch of music videos all day is still a nice alternative to turning on the old FM radio…

… I've got a big ol' Youtube playlist going that I continue to fill with music videos (new and old) as I go about my music blogging duties, so you can press play on the above player or you can go listen/subscribe/shuffle over on Youtube whenever the feeling to veg out on some music videos takes your fancy.

I call it FM/TV because ‘f__ mtv’ right?


SubmitCloud SoundHub

I had completely gone off using Soundcloud awhile back - but then I started using SubmitHub and all of the sudden I was listening to a whole bunch of tracks linked to Soundcloud. So, I figured… why not collect all those Soundcloud-linked songs I approved on SubmitHub and put them into ongoing monthly playlists?  Y'know, like these:


Can I Get It On Bandcamp?

Not quite a ‘radio alternative’ in the way that you can just press play once and it’ll play one track after the other, but I have started keeping ongoing ‘available on Bandcamp’ lists for all the nice music I share on Spotify playlists & Mixcloud mixes over on my Buy Music Club page — and I’ve embedded the list for my ongoing yearly tracker of tunes what were good this year of 2021 below so you can get a sense of how these BMC lists work/connect directly to an artists Bandcamp page:



…but until then




( comments / requests / etc )




** BUT PLEASE NOTE: If you want to send me music to check out, I handle all my Submissions over on Submithub. So if you’re wanting me to listen to some tunes, Submithub is where I deal with all the “hey… can you listen to this & also blog about it”that I get sent on the regular…

…and here’s a blog post about why I started using Submithub + here’s a blog post about what you can expect if getting a track approved by HI54 on Submithub (it’s not much, but at least it’s something) + here’s a blog post on why I only accept submissions every second Sunday - Wednesday stretch.