For when you want to keep your body motivated while doing cardio but you also want to listen to an audiobook / podcast at the same time. Also works great if you just want to do some undistracted thinking while you get a sweat on, either indoors or especially outdoors (ie. no lyrics, but a beat to keep the energy up).
This playlist gets refreshed with different tracks on a somewhat regular basis (y'know, instead of making Vol.1 + Vol.2 + Vol.etc versions)—so if you’ve been looking for a nice soundtrack to turn those audiobooks / podcasts into something you can break a sweat to or just want to get lost in your sweaty thoughts while you get your heart rate up…
… it would probably be a good idea to press the "follow" button over on Spotify so you can get future updates auto-magically appearing on your listening device. Plus "following" a playlist makes for easy repeat listens. And, as always, when you hear something you like, do the universe some good and support/check those artists out further.
As for how I personally use this playlist to work out: I’ll have this playlist on shuffle in one tab & then I’ll either throw an audiobook on in another tab or I’ll have a podcast / interview playing in another tab on Youtube. Then you just find the right volume adjustment so you can hear the words + the music (I use bluetooth headphones), and before you know it you’re getting in better shape while also learning something new. The only downside is I don’t think it’s possible to have multiple audio sources playing at the same time on from your phone (but I have an exercise bike at home, so I just use the desktop — also, this playlist works great for moving outdoors and the volume turned up).