A HI54 Mix CD made from all the cassette tapes I've found while dating someone who LOVES going to thrift stores A LOT. It can be slim picking in the cassette bins around these parts, but when you do find something good, they're about a quarter each. And ain't nobody can complain about that.
This playlist will get updated every time I pick up some new tapes whilst out thrifting (which is a fairly often with my missus - although, not every tape is available on Spotify)—so if you enjoy listening to an ongoing mix of some of the musical goodness I find in the charity store bins…
… it would probably be a good idea to press the "follow" button over on Spotify so you can get future updates auto-magically appearing on your listening device. And, as always, when you hear something you like, do the universe some good and support/check those artists out further.