Mix Tape Radio: Episode 053
EPISODE 53 kicks off with some loveliness from YouYourself&I, and before it closes out with some Wearlyland, you'll hear stuff from Courtney Barnett, Modest Mouse, Flaming Lips and Justin Townes Earle singing about single mothers & absent fathers while his dad sings about not being anybody's daddy now. So go on and press that play button if you haven't already.
The Mix Tape Radio Show is a series of mix tapes put together by HI54LOFI. He's been doing it for years; sometimes with new episodes every 2 weeks, sometimes nothing for months. He's sketch like that *BUT* all the tapes are pretty solid pieces of ear candy & there is a large accumulation of them to bridge any gaps in posting—so maybe all is forgiven at the end of the day, right?