HI54LO5: Is This Whatcha Wont?

HI54LO5: Is This Whatcha Wont?

“I'm Qualified To Satisfy You"—with its perfect combination of confidence and practicalness—is probably the best chat-up line ever. That Barry does not beat around the bush, even though that's exactly what he wants to do (if you catch my drift).

If you don't use Spotify, I'm sure Google can find you another way to listen. And if you come up with your own <54 word review (for this or something else), become an early adopter of the #HI54LO5 tag & share yours on the socials. 

FANDCAMP: What Will Destroy You

FANDCAMP: What Will Destroy You

FANDCAMP: Among Horses I

FANDCAMP: Among Horses I