Throw this playlist on shuffle and let the music determine when you hit the pedals hard and how hard you hit them. If you're ADD like me, run some NBA highlights on Youtube in the background.
This playlist gets refreshed with different tracks on a somewhat regular basis (y'know, instead of making DIY SPIN CLASS vol.1 + vol.2 + etc versions) and it is also included in the daily programming for the ‘pretend, for real radio’ station Mountown FM that HI54 runs with mountain cousin 95EH.CA (hence the 95 total tracks)—so if you like the feel-good vibes emanating from this modern mix cd…
… it would probably be a good idea to press the "follow" button over on Spotify so you can get future updates auto-magically appearing on your listening device. And, as always, when you hear something you like, do the universe some good and support/check those artists out further.