20X18 | 360 TUNES FROM 2018
Since the year was 2018, and since 20X18 = 360, this massive end of year playlist consists of 360 ace tunes released in the year 2018 (from 360 different artists/projects). I realize that’s a lot of music to take in, but the math is the math and I’ve been doing this bit too long to stop now.
Every year I do this thing where I put an 'X' in between the TWENTY and the CURRENT YEAR and then I make a big-ass playlist based on the equation. And I realize it seems mental to put together a playlist featuring 360 songs from 360 different release from the year 2018, but 20 X 18 = 360 and I committed to this bit a long time ago, so…
… if you like listening to a pretty much all day shuffle of tunes you may already like and a bunch you’ve probably never heard before, it would probably be a good idea to press the "follow" button over on Spotify so you can come back and listen as many times as it takes you to get tired of 360 track playlist. And if 360 songs seems a bit much, pop these smaller 2X18 mix tapes into your headphones.
Thanks for the tunes 2018, your move next 2019.