20X12 | 240 SONGS FROM 2012
Since the year in question is 2012, and since 20X12 = 240, this yearly summary playlist consists of 240 nice tunes released in the year 2012. From 240 different artists. Reshuffled on the regular for repeat shuffles. You can’t argue with that math.
Every year, I keep track of all the music that I liked in an ongoing playlist called EVERYTHING LIKED IN (obvious note: this only applies to the music that I got around to listening to — which is A LOT, but also is not everything). And at the end of the year, I take all that music I liked and condense it down to a big ol’ end of year list that does some TWENTY x YEAR math to end up at this tasty 240 track/artist playlist…
… and because there is way more than 240 nice tracks/artists from 2012, this playlist continues to get reshuffled regularly, so it might be a good idea to press the "follow" button over on Spotify so you can get future updates auto-magically appearing on your listening device. Plus "following" a playlist makes for easy repeat listens.