All in ODDS


“I would recommend finding something that you enjoy outside of your career or passion. For example, I reached a point where everything in my life revolved around music. So I’ve picked up some hobbies, like playing basketball, and watching Netflix, and cooking, etc. Being a whole person, not just pieces of one.”

FANDCAMP: Thought Rock Fish Scale

“Always feel like I'm the only person in the room when I'm listening to Nap Eyes. I've a feeling some gigs of theirs may be like that too; back room of a cafe type stuff, for the fortunate few to stumble on. That's how I fantasize about seeing them anyway.”

SHUFFLE UPDATE: August 5, 2019

Another SHUFFLE UP’D EIGHT has been pulled — but this week’s featured shuffle update is for the ‘WHEN I SAID I LIKED “COUNTRY” MUSIC’ playlist (which just so happens to be an ongoing shuffle of 95 ‘proper country’ tracks from — well, according to one guys tastes/preferences).

SHUFFLE UPDATE: July 29, 2019

Another SHUFFLE UP’D EIGHT has been pulled — but this week’s featured shuffle update is for the ‘HI54… SUMMER’ playlist (which just so happens to be an ongoing shuffle of 95 nice summer tracks for slipping into some summer vibes).

20X16 | 320 SONGS FROM 2016

Since the year in question is 2016, and since 20X16 = 320, this yearly summary playlist consists of 320 nice tunes released in the year 2016. From 320 different artists. Reshuffled on the regular for repeat shuffles. You can’t argue with that math.