All in ODDS

FANDCAMP: Skip a Sinking Stone

“Another beautiful piece of art by Jordan Lee. I've listened in full three times in a row this morning of the release, and while it falls a little behind Love's Crushing Diamond (which was my 2013 album of the year) for me, it is still a stunning piece of work.”

Fandcamp: Romantic Era

“Pat Moon's sophomore album seamlessly echoes 2016s Don't Hide from the Light. She again transcends her influences with beautifully crafted ambient-noir arrangements. Her vocals are nothing less than haunting and distant; often triggering goosebumps along with a subtle emotional response. Her music is my inner ethereal lullaby.”


The 95th episode kicks off with the old soul vibes of Molly Burch and before things close out with a pro-car-crashing rocker from The Nova Darlings, you'll hear Why Bonnie, Wilder Maker, a clip from Jack Kornfield's recent chat with Duncan Trussell, Adult Mom + a bunch more good sound wave makers. Sound good?