This week’s SHUFFLE UP’D EIGHT has been pulled from the latest re-shuffle THE HI54 WEEKLY SHUFFLE.
This isn’t a competition. It’s a collaboration.
This isn’t a competition. It’s a collaboration.
All in MIXES
Episode 101 kicks off with Mr. Husband, and before you close things out with Tugboat Captain you’ll hear some Mountain Man, Human Barbie, Stephen Malkmus, WIDOWSPEAK and a bunch more niceness.
Every Monday, I highlight 8 tracks from my recent playlist shuffling in something called the ‘Shuffle Up’d 8’ and this playlist is an archive for every track that's been featured — which is another way of saying that this playlist makes for a really quality shuffle.
A Playmoss playlist for all the Bandcamp tracks shuffle up’d in June 2019.
Episode 037 was put together after returning to the UK from a vacation in Spain. Back when I used to live in the UK (circa 2014). It’s also the most listened to Mix Tape Radio episode ever. Do with that information what you will.
A monthly Soundcloud playlist for the Submithub submissions approved during June 2019.
“Well, it finally happened: the episode count for the Mix Tape Radio Show is now in the triple digits.”
“The truth is, putting together an end of year playlist based on the math that happens when you put an X between the 20 and the 17 is a really good (albeit, slightly daunting) way to do a deep dive on the year that was.”