“Quit your job. Move to Wales. Buy a soprano saxophone.”
This isn’t a competition. It’s a collaboration.
This isn’t a competition. It’s a collaboration.
“Go and do that ‘thing’ that you have always wanted to do. Make the time and try to enjoy the process.”
“Stop watching or reading regular news. It only puts fear and worries into peoples heads. You'll have a much happier life without it.”
“I’m not saying socks will lead to true happiness, but I think they probably help. Sorry, and also love yourself and carpe diem and all the rest of it. But mainly the socks. After all, socks last longer than thoughts ever do.”
“Workout. It really sucks in the moment, but it really improves my body, sense of self, and overall attitude in life.”
“Go to see a live show with one of your favourite artists. And even if it’s not really one of your favourites, or even someone you’ve heard of before, go anyway.”
“Water. Drink more than what you think is the correct amount. Also, don't forget to water your plants the ~actual~ correct amount.”
“I recommend that everyone go for a run or even just a quick walk outside as much as they can. Nothing clears my brain and makes my body feel healthier than moving around in nature.”
It was February, 2018 and I had recently started fielding music submissions from a service that promised the rarest of rare music industry promises: music blog haz income stream?
“I think being silly is pretty underrated. As long as it’s not annoying anyone it’s a pretty safe bet to make you feel better.”
“Fold your clothes properly. Recently I watched one episode of Tidying Up With Marie Kondo and it was life-changing, for now at least. There’s something about even this small action which I’ve found to be really calming and good for the mind.”
“Don't waste your time comparing yourself to others. Remember that the race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.”