SubmitCloud | July 2019

SubmitCloud | July 2019

I get sent a lot of music submissions on SubmitHub (like, A LOT a lot).

And a good chunk of those submissions are linked directly from Submithub to Soundcloud, which got me thinking…


… maybe I should resurrect my Soundcloud account and start putting together monthly collections of all the tracks I approve on SubmitHub that also have their audio source set to the ‘cloud?

And if I were to also ‘like’ and ‘repost’ all those tracks on my Soundcloud, that’ll eventually create a big archive that curious ears could go throw on shuffle if they ever wanted to turn Soundcloud into a portable HI54 radio alternative (here’s the ongoing archive of approvals on Spotify). And since we’re on the topic, I also use Soundsgood to auto-magically re-create some of my HI54 Mix CDs as Soundcloud playlists (doesn’t get every track or even all the tracks it does get correctly, but it does a pretty nice job for a robot).

The particular playlist above will be where you can find all the Soundcloud submissions approved for blahging in July 2019 (tracks added until next month & then we’ll do it all over again).

SHUFFLE UPDATE: July 29, 2019

SHUFFLE UPDATE: July 29, 2019