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Mix Tape Radio on FRUK: Episode 023

Mix Tape Radio on FRUK: Episode 023


Episode 23 opens with Tom Waits talking jive and ends with a very excellent track off the very excellent new Arms EP (it's their second EP and it's called EP2). And in between those two bookends, well, there's another guy talking jive, some songs about leaving and coming back home… which were probably brought on by the Happy Trendy track that samples a mom leaving voice mail messages, plus a bunch of other great stuff.

So, if that sounds like a decent soundtrack for an hour of your day, then remember to press play when that hour strikes.




Also, if you are looking for a little more music to get you through the day, you can always swing by the HI54LOFI Mixcloud page and listen to all 23 episodes of the show. Or, swing by iTunes and download the last 22 shows (Episode 23 will go up on iTunes in the next week or so… so wouldn't be a bad idea to click the subscribe button while you're there).  And of course, there is also the 24hr stream of tunes that is the Mix Tape Radio internet radio station.


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Why U No Talk About Bandcamp?

Mix Tape Radio on FRUK: Episode 022