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I first made this ‘The WINTER Episode’ digital mixtape back in 2015 (this particular mix was also put together for a winter mix / Q&A thing that Adam from songsfortheday did back in Winter ‘15… and you can still read my answers to questions like “WHY’D YOU PUT THESE TUNES IN THIS SPECIFIC ORDER?” over on wordpress dot com), BUT, because I am once again messing about with website/project changes on HI54.BLOG and 95EH.CA in the year of our lord 2022, in order to focus more time on my never ending ‘thinking about changes and then making those changes and then thinking about more changes’ task list that goes along with figuring out what a “not a music blog, not not a music blog” existence looks like & how/if it can work, I’ve been revisiting some archived Mixcloud mixes to update the weekly updated ‘all day mix tape radio’ rotation over on MOUN.TOWN/RADIO (or ‘MTR’ for short/npr puns), and this still nice mix was a perfect candidate to kick of MTR - SIDE A for this latest week because…



A) It’s still a nice mix to listen to, especially if your current weather is like my current weather (ie. winter has started over here):



And, B) this ‘The WINTER Episode’ mixtape never got an accompanying blog post to link out to from the original Mixcloud post, so this is a way for me to refurbish old content into new-to-somebody (reduce, reuse, recycle, innit). SO, as always, if/when you hear something you like, do the universe some good and support/check those artists out further (it all helps/adds up).

To help with your further exploring, why not have a browse thru the playable track listing below — odds are pretty decent that there’ll be a track/album/artist or two that your ears are gonna want to spend more time with:



The Winter Episode - Track Listing



And if you’d ever like to extend the ‘soundtrack-by-HI54-mixtape’ vibes all day, go press a play button over on MOUN.TOWN/RADIO (which’ll play one HI54 mix tape after another, all day — with new/old HI54 Mixcloud mixes like the mix tape above added to the front of both the ‘MTR - SIDE A’ and ‘MTR - SIDE B’ players every Wednesday).

ALSO: HI54LOFI is in the Mixcloud Select program, which means you can now support the making of these mix tapes & the artists included on them with a monthly subscription (while also unlocking offline listening of hundreds of HI54 mix tapes for yourself) — y’know, if you’d be interested in something like that (or nobody would be mad at you if you wanted to make a one-time “thanks for the stuff” donation of your choice to HI54LOFI over here, or even if you just told someone else that they might like what they’d find over on the ol’ HI54.BLOG… that stuff helps too!).

And, final finally… if you hear something you like in this latest episode (or just in general out on the internets today), make sure to check out the people making the stuff you like and show them a little bit of love / support / appreciation (in whatever ways you can) — because everybody wins if we all start sharing some more metaphorical coffees/beers/cheers with the people making the things that make things a little bit better (and maybe we can also start giving way less to the people out there always trying to keep things shitty?).

Put good things in, good things come out.

Put good things out, good things come in.

Put good things on loop.







20 from '17 | THE HI54 YEARBOOK MIXES

20 from '17 | THE HI54 YEARBOOK MIXES

FANDCAMP:  Back to the Woodlands

FANDCAMP: Back to the Woodlands