This isn’t a competition. It’s a collaboration.
This isn’t a competition. It’s a collaboration.
One of these days, I'm going to gather together all the right words *and then I will put all those words in the correct order* and that combination will result in a perfect summary of what this website is. It'll be like one of those proper 'About Us' sections—the kind you'd find on one of those "financially sustainable" sites—complete with effortless prose explaining how things "work" and why one bothers and what it all means, man.
But today is not one of those days.
Instead, just press play on the High Fidelity scene below to get the overall emotion in this sites motion over the years:
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I will return throughout the current website rebuild / rethink to take further cracks at making this About section a bit more helpful and informative and more "About Us-ish", but for the next little while, it's probably best to just think of HI54 as a puzzle that only has some of the outside edges put together. It feels incomplete because it is incomplete.
To make matters worse, I don't have the puzzle box on my person, so I can't refer to the cover to see how the whole thing is supposed to look when it is finished. I just have a zip lock bag of different puzzle pieces—and I'm pretty sure some pieces aren't even for the same puzzle—so I have to rely on this fuzzy memory I have of once seeing the puzzle box before. It was either in a thrift store or fever dream, but I can't remember for sure.
< Siri, find me a Puzzle GIF >
Soooo… in the meantime, if you have any questions or comments about anything HI54-related, you can holler them on the socials or fire them thru space & time via the digital fax machine below …
… but PLEASE NOTE: if you want to send me music to check out, I actually am not accepting music submissions at the moment (here’s a blog post that goes on about it, if interested).
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Or, you could also just have a poke around and see if you can't discover something worth clicking and taking back to your own headspace. Because, in the end, isn't that all we’re really out here trying to do? Find something that helps & then pass it on?