Fandcamp: WARM

“Love this new album from Jeff Tweedy. It has the melodic simplicity and catchiness of Uncle Tupelo and Wilco's early records, but with songwriting by a seasoned hand, someone who is emerging on the other side of middle age -- kids raised and out of the house, distractions receding, and existential questions front-and-center.”


I made this mix tape around 2011, which was around the time I was quitting a stable market research job to head back over to Europe without any plan or career path. I guess one could make the argument that I’m still on the same bullshit all these years later.


You’ll never really understand how your body works, but it’s important to be reminded about all the parts so you don’t lose touch with the fact that, for the most part, your body does work. And one can only listen to ‘Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes. Knees. And. Toes’ so many times.

FANDCAMP: The Darkness Comes

“I loved Megafaun's "The Longest Day" so listened to more music by them, only to realize that it was Christy Smith's vocals that I loved. I looked her up and found The Tender Fruit and am loving it. Smith's voice has a beautiful longing to it, and her accompaniment, with its minor notes, evokes those threads of loss sewn through everything.”