“Start doing things you are not naturally good or talented at but have always wanted to do. Allow yourself to do the thing badly without any self judgement and repeat when you feel up to it.”
This isn’t a competition. It’s a collaboration.
This isn’t a competition. It’s a collaboration.
“Start doing things you are not naturally good or talented at but have always wanted to do. Allow yourself to do the thing badly without any self judgement and repeat when you feel up to it.”
“Spend an hour or two after you wake up with no internet. Do anything, even just sit there thinking with coffee or tea. Talk to your partner, talk to your dog, talk to your lizard, exercise, play guitar, paint, who cares what it is just no internet for an hour or two.”
“Nothing makes the outside World so obviously ineffective and inconsequential or more rapidly renders ideas of separation delusional as having the courage to really look into someone else’s eyes. So my recommendation, amongst the pantheon of ‘anything’, has to be eye contact.”
“I think creating stuff is always pretty rewarding, be it a song or some writing or anything. I need to do more these days to be honest.”
“Walk more often, alone. Go on a trip with your loved one(s) and don’t take your laptop with you. Breathe deep, acknowledge this is now and that it will not last forever.”
“It's been so fun bringing the tradition of pasta making back into my life and bringing friends and friends' kids into the tradition. I find the intricacies of the ritual really beautiful - the volcano well of semolina flour with the eggs at the center, the different settings on the crank, laying the pasta threads out to dry over every chair in the house. And of course, it's so ridiculously delicious.”
“I’d strongly recommend picking it up for fifteen minutes a day and just following her journey and using it as a way to channel all the anxieties that are inherent in being someone who expresses themselves for an audience.”
“Write more letters. Real physical recycled paper letters. Draw something. Say something.”
“Unplug every once in a while. I have found a lot of good in disconnecting from time to time. The other day, I drove to a park, and I intentionally left my phone in the car. I brought a book and that's it. I mostly didn't read. I just walked, and watched squirrels run around like maniacs while I listened to strangers argue in a language I don't understand. And it was great.”
“I'm just loving the new Sharon Van Etten record, and I saw her show in Toronto a couple of weeks ago. It was probably the best show I have seen in 5 years.”
“…which is essentially an unfinished essay on how to unsubscribe from every mailing list you subscribed to when you were 17.”