The ‘HI54 YEARBOOK MIXES’ series continues with music from the year 2016 — featuring tunes from Sonny Smith, Big Thief, KOOL A.D., John K. Samson, Margaret Glaspy + a whole bunch more… it’s a nice ‘16 vintage to stick in your headphones.
The ‘HI54 YEARBOOK MIXES’ series continues with a mix from the year 2013 — featuring tunes from Frog, Shad, Tiny Ruins, The Virgins + a whole bunch more… it’s a nice ‘13 vintage to stick in your headphones.
Since I'm on the road / away from last Thursday to this Monday, I figured I’d postpone putting together a new HI54 YEARBOOK MIX and instead upload another "lost episode" from back in the day when I was making mixes for Folk Radio UK. So here’s a taste of my headphones from December 2013 \m/
Here's the 11th instalment of the bi-weekly Mixcloud series where I go back to the iTunes organizational system I had setup when I used to run a 24/7 internet radio station, and then I shuffle up a selection of 95-tracks that have been rated as 'Mix Tape Radio approved' and put together an 18-track HI54 Mixed CD.
A local power outage fried my 2009 iMac, which means we’re going back in time to repost some “lost” episodes of the Mix Tape Radio Show until my ol’ Mac gets back from computer hospital. Luckily, these old episodes — like EPISODE 024 from October 2013— are still really nice to listen to.
Another SHUFFLE UP’D EIGHT have been pulled from the latest HI54 WEEKLY SHUFFLE update.
“Another beautiful piece of art by Jordan Lee. I've listened in full three times in a row this morning of the release, and while it falls a little behind Love's Crushing Diamond (which was my 2013 album of the year) for me, it is still a stunning piece of work.”